Bullet Baba temple, Jawai Dam and drive to Mt Abu……!!!

11th December, 2019, Sunday……..Day (4) Kankani-Om Banna temple (Bullet Baba)-Jawai Dam-Abu Road-Mt Abu (263 km)

Slept for about four hours inside the car parked near Shiv Shakti RestaurantKankani (NH-62).

Got up very early, had nice cup of tea from the restaurant whose ‘Tea Stall’ remained open throughout the night.

Sleeping at the place was not all that safe, thought I should have chosen a better place. Any way, all is well that ends well, nothing untoward happened as I resolved to take better decisions in future.

Loved the morning atmosphere though, especially the pinkish glow in the sky, speeding vehicles and a wide beautiful highway.

While I slept late and was vigilant throughout the night, my wife had a better sleep and was more cheerful than I.

We were on the road pretty soon. Loved early morning drive on the beautiful NH-62, wide road, scant traffic, pinkish sky and wild flat land on both sides of the road.

Tanked up at a filling station before reaching Om Banna (Bullet Baba) Shrine near Chotila village on Pali-Jodhpur Highway (NH-62).

The shrine is dedicated to a deity in the shape of a motorcycle, a 350 cc Royal Enfield (RNJ 7773) belonging to Om Banna (Om Singh Rathore), a resident of Chotila village.

Thirty years ago Om Banna was riding this bike, lost control and hit a tree near this shrine.

He died on the spot while the bike fell into a ditch nearby.

Police took the bike to a nearby police station. Next day the bike disappeared mysteriously and was found at the accident site.

The police took the bike back to the police station again, emptied the fuel tank, chained the bike and put it under lock and key.

Surprisingly the bike disappeared again next day and was found at the accident site. The legend has it that the police tried to keep the bike at police station but it kept returning back to the accident site again and again.

The locals thought it was a miracle and began worshipping the bike. Slowly it gained faith among people and a shrine was build at the spot believing that Om Banna (Bullet Baba) helps safe passage to the travelers.

Most passer byes stop at the place, pray at the temple, sing prayers and leave offerings including alcohol in honor of the departed spirit.

This was quite unique. We had heard about the shrine on the net and were unable to believe but now we were at the spot and watching the devotes pray, sing and bow heads in reverence before our own eyes.

Soon we were on the road again. Loved the drive once again. Our destination for the day was Mount Abu.

However, I had heard many stories about Jawai Dam, Leopard Hills and Jawai Wildlife Sanctuary, which was a little detour off the main highway NH-62, just 8 kilometer from Sumerpur.

The road to Jawai Dam passed through Sumerpur town, loved driving through it, appreciating people, both men and women wearing difference attire, behavior and culture.

The road became very bad, dusty as we got closer to the dam. At one time we thought may be, we were going in the wrong direction, checked with the locals and made sure we were heading the right place.

A direction board mentioned ‘Hawa Mahal’, followed the board and after climbing a very narrow road reached a place that had a building right in the middle of a small dam.

The air passed through its pillars unobstructed and freely, hence the name ‘Hawa Mahal’.

In fact it was a mini dam built to control the flow of water of Jawai Lake.

The granite rock formations near the dam were very unique. A number of rocks resembled human and animal shapes. There was one balancing rock perched on one another.

A group of young boys had come for picnic. There were one or two hawkers as well, selling water bottles, local vegetables and snacks.

Weather became pretty hot. A board placed at the dam warned against going near the water or even letting the pets go near as there was a fear of mugger crocodiles hidden beneath the water.

Met Bhola, a shepherd, who was taking his flock of sheep and goats up the mountains for grazing. He told me that the lake had lots of crocodiles and leopards hidden in the caves of the rocky mountains.

Had fabulous time at ‘Hawa Mahal’, the atmosphere at the place was unique…a large beautiful blue lake, rocky mountains, heavenly breeze, grazing cattle and young boys playing merrily.

Drove to the main dam (Jawai Bandh) which was not very far from the smallish dam (‘Hawa Mahal’).

However, the main dam had a gate and we had to buy tickets. There were more number of hawkers and an army naughty langurs hanging everywhere, on the ground as well as on trees.

Their behavior was more like human beings snatching all the eatables from the hands, pockets or anywhere they suspected and then climb the trees, eat the food merrily and lay lazily looking for another opportunity.

It had become too hot and the dam was a little effort away as well. My wife was in no mood to climb the dam and walk in the scorching Sun.

I hurriedly took a walk on the dam. The lake looked beautiful, huge, blue and vast….more like an ocean. The rocky mountains and the blue sky combined to showcase a beautiful landscape.

However, could not endure the heat for long, climbed down, gulped few local cold drinks and were on the road again.

This time, however, took a country road through the villages, joined NH-62 again near Pindwara and then NH-27 to Abu Road.

Missed the turn to Mount Abu and had to drive back 15-20 kilometers through the congested Abu Road city.

However, once out of the town, loved the drive through the dense forest and the road climbing all the time.

Paid an entry fee and entered Mount Abu. The atmosphere at the place was typical of a hill station, but because we had been to much beautiful and cooler hill stations of the north, we were little disappointed.

I seldom pre book hotels as it takes away freedom. Looking for a suitable budget hotel we drove around the town learning more about the place as well. Found the hotels were too overpriced and low on quality.

Came to know later that since there was a ban on liquor in Gujarat and the hill station being too close to the state, gets overwhelming rush from Gujarat, especially on weekends.

Any how found a value for money hotel very close to the market and the Gurudwara, having all the basic amenities I was looking for and a safe parking space inside the hotel premises.

Since we were tired after a grueling day of sight seeing, travel and lack of proper sleep the previous night, took an evening walk through the bazar, nice dinner and an early sleep………!!!

Here is a link to the video story of the day……..

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